Wednesday, July 18, 2012

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More zone accidental nature of the practice, and thus most of the research scholars (including the authority of the scholars) still tend to think that the jury in the strict sense of the introduction by William I after the Norman Conquest from the Frankish Dukedom of Normandy, and the said a similar approach at best, but the introduction of jury system in quasi-all the favorable conditions.
According to records, at least since the 8th century AD, the Frankish Emperor and the King had summoned the neighbors investigation jury (Inquest or Inquisitio,), let them answer the questions raised by a roving royal officials ----- recognized on local habits royal rights and violation of the royal decree. neighbors survey the jury at the time mainly for the restoration of royal land rights and the use of historical data. royal land was often occupied for private,cheap nba jersey, the king for the inventory of land zhan status , ordered royal officials went around to explore the facts in order to restore the royal land rights in order to obtain the evidence and facts, the royal family using the neighbor-finding mission as a quasi asked by the king to push the Q method (neighbor-finding mission) to expand and asked the public the identity of the tax investigation of aspects of the Frankish king of this neighbor-finding mission of the push mode early independence for the privilege of the king, the king by virtue of this push to ask the right mode effectively maintain and uphold the royal family, local feudal authority (such as the feudal lords) off can not be used. Thus, this investigation jury actually was King of the face of many local feudal separatist forces and means to assert royal rights. Obviously, this neighbor investigation jury only provide evidence of the witnesses of the truth, rather than the modern sense of the jury.
Later, the Normans from the north took over from Franks hands this way, also uses the the neighbors investigation jury .15 However, Norman has a very strong administrative capacity, they will investigate the use of a jury to be expanded it as a general way of the government to make use of the central government sent to the local royal officials can convene the investigation jury investigation to the local people, the latter to swear truthfully provide relevant information regardless of the administrative officials or judicial officials can jury of such an investigation to obtain relevant information, such as administrative officials to ask a question of land of zhan there as well as property and other economic or other aspects of the judicial officials ordered to put forward the suspect or criminal charges are true to their views through such practices to strengthen the control and management of the central kingship of the country, and soon, the Dukedom of Normandy will be setting up the a central body system can be said that such investigations jury fact Norman royal family to face the feudal status of efforts to establish its The system of bureaucratic management agencies as a means of central royal power to the local feudal forces exploit the (neutral), an effective way, as made by the Frankish royal family.
Norman rulers will investigate the jury such an approach as a general approach of the government, shortly after William I,youth air jordan shoes, Duke of Normandy conquered England, they were introduced to the practice of England, the most famous is the 1086 widely adopted in this nationwide. thorough investigation, royal officials right to tax the population survey.

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